For Sale By Owner:
For Sale By Owner
For sale by owner, commonly known as FSBOs represent a very small percentage of the total real estate market. The vast majority of FSBOs’s are trying on their own for one reason only: to save commission. The concept is valid, yet the arguments are strong against success. The main drawback is that many buyers look at FSBOs hoping to find an un wary seller, that is perhaps under pricing the home. Other buyers will take the position that they will subtract the commission that a seller would have paid through a real estate firm and than start negotiating from there. They of course are trying to save the same commission that the seller was trying to. In many cases, sellers will actually net more in their pocket through a real estate company due to marketing techniques, exposure to the market, and comfort of completing a transaction through an educated and experienced 3rd party.
If you are contemplating becoming a FSBO or already are, please feel free to call or Email us at your convenience and we will be glad to share our experience and expertise with you at no obligation!
Call us today!
We are happy to assist you with any realty needs!
Theresa: (519) 816-1362
Jim: (519) 816-1495